Pricing Strategies

More often than not, it is the pricing strategy of a business that is the cause for so many of its profitability issues. And out poor cashflow is directly in the firing line and takes the hit.

Knowing this, its hard to believe that so many business owners ignore the work needed to ensure that they have a robust pricing strategy for their business.

You see, as business owners we are often led too much by our competition and the industry to see the fault in this strategy. This strategy ignores our individual business model and therefore ignores the key foundation of a pricing strategy which is to recover the costs of our business through sales.

So I’m glad you’ve stopped by, because you may just find the answer to your profitability issues here in your pricing strategy.

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S3EP34 : YOUR PERFECT PRICE POINT (available 13th October 21)

The impact pricing our products and services has on our businesses overall profitability is significant.  When we strip back the layers of what is the pricing lifecycle of a product or service it becomes highly evident that without a solid strategy you may be not only selling yourself (and your business) short, but it can result in cashflow erosion and that’s not good for sustainability. In this episode, I wanted to spend a moment examining the lifecycle of our pricing, how it impacts profitability, what the flow on effects are and how to get started with an effective pricing structure that is right for your business.  We examine the types of pricing strategies that are available to us, and how the perfect price point is all yours for the taking when the fundamentals are employed.

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In this episode I wanted to take a closer look at cost comparisons and how business owner present their information to support their purpose. I recently came across a social media post that advocated for a contractor over full time employee and did so with a clear visual of costs … only to examine the costs a little closer to find they were wrong!!! Got me thinking, how many business owners haven’t considered this. So thought I’d address it. After all, it could have severe consequences. Take a listen. A x

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On this episode, I walk through the mechanics of one of my favourite financial tools for understanding and tracking your financial information ... Job Costing! Job Costing is easy to implement and can play a really big part in ensuring that your numbers are tracked effectively and improve reporting capabilities for your business.