What awaits small business in 2021?

I'm excited about 2021. Now I know I had the same enthusiasm going into 2020 ... but as they say in the classics "I can feel it in my waters" .. You see I'm not being naive in thinking that 2021 can be better than 2020, because in my opinion whilst it was a strange year, filled with challenges, so many great things came from it. So it's gets me excited to think, that so many more exciting things are on the horizon for 2021. Actually, I know for a fact that there are more exciting things to come for me and my business in 2021.

But it doesn't go without acknowledging that small businesses have been placed under some pressure cooker situations this year. You know, consumer behaviours have altered, supply chains have been pushed to their limits, globalisation has been challenged, and to boot social distancing has forced us to look at so many alternatives to simple concepts such as foot traffic.

So I wanted to take this time to just reflect on how 2020 has taught us so much about what 2021 will look like and how we can use this information to our benefit. To make 2021 a kick ass year for us all. You with me?

I want to start by saying ... if you're serious about 2021 and turning things around, don't sit around and wait for things to fo back to how they were ... regardless of how seemingly regular things appear to be looking, especially here in Australia as restrictions lift. Because the reality is ... it's not going back to the way things were EVER!. But instead we should be using this time to look for ways to hone in on the changes we have made that have transformed the way we do things, and hopefully our profit figures.

Here is what COVID has taught us ... The business world has been split into the physical and the digital, disrupting global economic patterns in all industries. But not without creating mindfulness in consumers on how they will utilise both the physical and digital to work for them. They know and appreciate the clarity around what they are buying, where they are buying it from, how it's being made and most importantly, who they are supporting along the way.

From a digital perspective ... Having an excellent and solid strategy around your digital footprint and it's visibility will be a must for small business next year. Bear in mind, that not all aspects of your business will suit the digital platform in it's entirety, but knowing how to mould it to work with even part will be a game changer if you haven't already done so. It will make competing for digital presence and clearer branding a lot easier and is an excellent way to engage and build your community.

Lets talk flexibility or agility if you will ... the key advantage smaller businesses have is the ability to make a quick shift ... whether it be how they deliver their goods and services, to their marketing strategies. This will bode well for success in 2021 ... because lets face it, restrictions of some kind will still be around.

What about the "office" ... we now know that remote offices will become a huge shift for 2021. And we know that if 2020 has taught us anything, it's that they can do so quite successfully. Whilst this was once a contentious issue for most businesses, it's now the future. It's going to build in more opportunities for employment, flexibility for families and carers, and better working efficiencies with time saved on travel. But it's more than that now that we will see in 2021 with the remote offices ... the focus will now shift to rethinking the business model, the motivation of the company and its goals and morals to be aligned with this style of workplace. Leaders will need to focus on collective outputs along with behaviours to support the new workplace structure. All whilst ensuring that they improve profitability. With losses sustained in most businesses, the shift to improve profitability in lieu of growth will be centred around using these physical and locational changes to drive profitability in all projects and offerings they have to ensure long term sustainability.

Whilst thinking about everything being remote, our social interactions will continued to be challenged in 2021, with many relying on social media platforms to engage with customers and potential clients more than ever. As such businesses will need to create content that reflects heavily on authenticity of the brand, it's people and the offers they have available.

The shift from global to local will be real in 2021 ... as mentioned previously, more and more consumers are empathetic to provider of the goods or services and will actually seek out those that resonate with them over price. We once worked hard to focus on cheaper, volumous goods from abroad to increase margins and drive profits ... yet 2021 will see consumers prepared to pay extra, understand the constraints and be compassionate to support the local. Rebuilding our country and economy is what we all share as a common good for our future and that of our children’s ... so it's the one thing we will be motivated by as consumers.

The term virtual will probably dominate 2021 when it comes to business delivery. 2020 has taught many of us how to use the tech offerings to provide the same goods and services virtually and in some instances be able to provide them better than ever before. With that in mind, we will no doubt see better interfaces that will transform the background we choose and even better filters and changes to the way we look when we are virtual.

Financing options will become more decentralised than ever before, giving us more options, availability and access to financial solutions to make accessing money easier and more creative than we've seen. This will provide the platform businesses will need to see the next few years out and continue to flourish and support the economy's stability once again.

And finally, just wanted to round this all up by saying ... right here you have an opportunity to create an innovative business model to see to it that you succeed in 2021. So check in on your cash facilities and their availability for your plans, accept with gusto the volatility that is still there and make the most of it, don't postpone the hard decisions, ask for help or seek those that can provide the right support for you ... and make 2021 count.

I'm all in ... I have some amazing plans and memberships for those who are ready and willing to make the change they so desperately seek. And I'll certainly be back in the new year with more amazing business owners on my podcast and key topics to keep the discussion alive and create better business owners for better business in 2021.

Until then, be merry this Christmas, love back, enjoy the real stuff, and may 2020 leave a reminder of the important things in life. See you on the flip side. Hope you make it count x


Amy Bajada